If you enjoy a good game of Team Fortress 2 then you might like to join in the Halloween festivities with the Third Annual Scream Fortress Very Scary Halloween Special which has been put together by Valve. The new special includes a Halloween map, 2 new achievements, secret loot, Halloween costumes for each class together with a new boss and will run until November 6th.

“Long story short, we guarantee you that nothing’s going to scare you this year. There will be no ENORMOUS HAUNTED EYEBALL to terrorize you around an island filled with tons of SECRET LOOT, and a GIANT SKULL! There will be approximately zero percent chance of you getting your trembling hands on a spooky costume FOR EVERY CLASS!”
For more information on the Third Annual Scream Fortress Very Scary Halloween Special to play a littletrick or treat jump over to the official website for more details and to read the Halloween special comic.
Source: TF2
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